Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Political State of New Eden

Well for those of you who are curious this will be my first article on Eve nullsec politics circa late August 2011. Enjoy!

Reference Map courtesy of Verite Rendition
Brief Overview
Nullsec is divided into three large power blocs right now. Though individual alliances are independent (eh... no), through necessity alliances have grouped together for support and mutual protection.

  • Deklien Coaltion (DC)*
    • these guy are (despite the inclusion of Test Alliance Please Ignore) are actually fairly competent, they held their own against the largest SuperCap Blob in the game and for that they get kudos
    • Main members are Goonswarm Federation (GSF), Test Alliance Please Ignore (TEST) and various smaller entities.
*yes I know there are other names but DC is the most acceptable

  • Drone Russian Forces (DRF)
    • Owns the largest super blob in game. This makes any warfare they participate in extremely one-sided. 
    • Quite recently invaded the North displacing the now defunct Northern Coalition (NC). giving them the most valuable space in game.

  • Against ALL Authorities. (AAA)
    • While the DRF had engaged the Northern Coalition, AAA and co. decided to judiciously take DRF's southern most holdings. The DRF abandoned these less valuable systems but have returned to reclaim what they lost, and a bit more.
    • Views on their situation in game is they are certain to lose. They don't have the super-cap numbers to face DRF head on and are trying to gather allies and divert DRF's attention by attacking the north, DRF's new space.
Holding Pattern

Right now the dominate power in this game is the DRF, they have the strength to take any territories they want and really the only thing stopping them is it takes time for that to happen. The rest of New Eden is hoping that DRF's main strength, their super carriers will be nerfed so that a handful of rich pilots don't dictate the game. CCP has stated that SC are due for a nerf and this means a drastic reevaluation of strength is near.

Right now the DRF are on a warpath, the only thing to stop the war machine seems at this point CCP, DRF decide this game now. Unless all of New Eden bands together, (this isn't going to happen, there is too much history between the other powerblocs) in which case there would definatly be a fair chance of success, though this would need to happen today rather than tomorrow.

What needs to happen is for power-blocs to hold onto what they can. Its not possible to simply build more supercaps than DRF right now, you lost out on that chance. But this is the thing. The DRF has shown that, while they dominate the front line, they are perfectly willing to lose territory less valuable. Paradoxically some of the least wanted space in the game is the the DRF strongholds. My advice, forget what you have now, taking drone lands means you can hopeful divert their attention elsewhere. Else, hold out till the Super nerf, Remember  Winter is Coming.

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